She wants to give new life to EV batteries
10th of October 2023 She wants to give new life to EV batteries. “With inspiration from Northvolt and Tesla, the Stockholm based startup Rebaba wants to reuse EV batteries instead of letting them go to waste. “They retain 70-80 of the initial capacity when they are not sufficient for the EV anymore.”, says Paula Runsten, […]
Rebaba is honored Grand Prize of Brann for their efforts in lithium ion battery circularity
Rebaba is honored with the Lund University and Sparbanken Skåne Innovation Awards for their innovation in reuse of lithium ion batteries
Lund University and Sparbanken Skåne comes together every year in the search for the most innovative startups solving a major challenge in the transition to a sustainable future. Rebaba was in 2023 awarded first prize as a recognition of their innovative solution to upcycling of spent electric vehicle batteries.
Rebaba presents at CBN event for circular economy and resilience together with circular pioneers such as Houdini, and Ragn Sells
Rebaba is awarded the Grand Prize for Engineering at Engineering Day
Rebaba is awarded the prestigious award “Grand Prize for Engineering” by Trafikverket with the motivation: This year’s winner is passionate about sustainability and aims to contribute to creating change in the energy industry through a simple, functional, and industrialized solution for batteries. With a focus on the lifespan and reuse of lithium-ion batteries, they seek […]
3rd place in S-Moving Startup Europe Awards
Rebaba is awarded 3rd place in the S-Moving Startup Europe Awards (SEUA). SEUA seeks and rewards startups that provide innovative solutions to the challenges of the ecological transition in the field of the circular economy in cities, energy efficiency and the fight against climate change.
Så vill Lundastudenten Paula, 24, ge elbilarnas batterier ett andra liv
Vad händer med batteriet när elbilen är slutkörd? Oftast är svaret återvinning eller soptippen – trots att de kan ha kvar 80 procent av sin kapacitet. Lundastudenten Paula Runsten, 24, vill istället låta dem göra nytta i ett andra liv.
Rebaba utnämns som en av Företagarnas 103 unga idéer 2023
Varje år publiceras listan över årets just nu mest intressanta unga företagare som alla har uppfyllt kriteriet att de vill utmana branscher, hitta hållbara lösningar och göra världen lite bättre. Rebaba tar plats på listan 2023.
Paula Runsten, CEO & Co-founder är utvald som en av Framtidens Kvinnliga Företagare
Sedan 1980 har kvinnligt företagande endast ökat med en procentenhet och av alla företagare i Sverige är endast en fjärdedel kvinnor. För att vända på den negativa trenden och få fler kvinnor att starta och driva företag delar Froda ut stipendiet “Framtidens kvinnliga företagare”. Stipendiet på 100 000 kronor, som delas ut för första gången, […]